The purpose of this assignment was to develop a brief and accompanying deliverables for an eight-month-long thesis project. For this assignment, a nationwide digital library titled "Book Nook" was developed. In addition to a visual identity, an app, social media advertisements, and a public transit campaign were created.
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Problem Statement
Public libraries are essential resources to communities all over Canada. However, what happens when your location, ability to travel, or income limits you from visiting these spaces? Although many libraries offer ebooks and other online materials, one must have a library card to access this information. Library cards are free for individuals in a branch's region; one must visit the library to obtain said card. Once again, this limits individuals who are physically unable to reach a library.
Thesis Statement
We will examine how the digital sphere can increase accessibility for those with disabilities and improve sustainability through different mediums of technology. Furthermore, we will dive into what goes into traditional archives and how the process can be streamlined through digital archiving.

Target Audience
The target audience consists of individuals ranging from 18-30 years old. They are in the lower to middle class, earning approximately $20,000-$55,000 annually. They live in more rural areas in Canada. They read frequently; however, they cannot afford to purchase books regularly. They think before making a purchase, and they are looking for low-cost resources and sources of entertainment. These people value culture and are always looking to learn more. They could be students or work from home. These people could also have a disability, either preventing them from leaving the house easily or requiring accessible resources.

The primary deliverable is an app for Book Nook. This app houses the Canada-wide digital library. Accessibility was one of the main focuses for this entire project. With this in mind, accessibility features are build into the app. The user has the option to customize their experience through text size adjustments, button size adjustments, the option to toggle images on and off, and the option to view the content in light or dark mode. These options are accessible on all pages of the app. Furthermore, there are additional customization options while reading an ebook on the app. These options consist of text size adjustments, line spacing adjustments, font adjustments, and the ability to toggle between light and dark mode.
The app itself has four main tabs - the homepage, the search / recommendation page, the programs and events pages, and the profile / setting page.

A social media campaign was developed as Book Nook is an app. Individuals who would be using the service would already have cellphones or other devices. These individuals would likely frequent social media platforms.

A public transit campaign was developed as Book Nook’s target audience is in the lower to middle class. They think before making a purchase, and they are looking for low-cost resources and sources of entertainment. These individuals may frequent public transit. Therefore, advertising a free service on public transit can give individuals the option to read instead of scrolling on their phones.
Process Work